The Manufacturer's Representative

Campion was established in 1927 and is a company that represents Manufacturers of Security, Audio Visual, Controls and Infrastructure products. We are a valued Manufacturers Rep, and "We Think Differently" We work hard to be the ONE VALUABLE TOOL you keep in your back pocket.

Our whole world has changed. EVERYONE is not only connected, but EVERYONE has access to EVERYTHING at the click of a mouse. Campion has ways of conferencing and demonstrating products IRL (in real life) or remotely, which is the way of the world as we know it today. As a company we thrive and adapt our way of life and doing business to meet the needs of our customers now and in future.

Walk our road to success! Witness our growth for yourself.

Why Campion?

Professional Rep company since 1927 Established and respespected covering TOLA We believe in creating context through product expertise and sales, industry training, content marketing, event coordination, technical expertise, software support and project planning. Our goal is to be a guide to the solutions and services that move your organization forward...


Protecting Restrooms, Stop Drug Use, Breathe Better, Personal Security and Trigger Panic Buttons.